Do you know, a new psychological thriller film starring William Dafoe is coming next month? This film “Inside” follows a notorious criminal named Nemo who is...
Do you know, which movies of Tom Hanks are considered all times best? Well, according to IMDB ratings, these films of Tom Hanks are considered all-time...
Do you know, Avatar the way of water has become the 3rd highest-grossing film of all time? This epic sci-fi thriller film has surpassed Titanic which...
Do you know, Cocaine Bear is an upcoming dark comedy action film based on a true story? Directed by the talented Elizabeth Banks, this film tells...
Do you know, All Quite on the Western Front has won the most awards in BAFA 2023 ceremony? The 76th British Academy Film Awards were held...
Do you know, the BAFTA 2023 award results have been announced recently? The 76th British Academy Film Awards were held on 19 February 2023, honoring the...
Do you know, the upcoming film “The Marvels” has been delayed? We got confirmation of the delay through a brand-new poster, which features all three of...
Do you know, ‘Lucky Hank’ is an upcoming comedy-drama series starring Bob Odenkirk? Yes, you heard it right. Bob Odenkirk is coming back to AMC in...
Do you know, “65” is an upcoming sci-fi thriller film produced by Sam Raimi? This movie offers a fresh approach to the old concept of dinosaurs,...
Do you know, the upcoming live-action film The Little Mermaid’s new teaser is released? Just like the first teaser that dropped back in September, this new...