Do you know, Russo Brothers are making a new survival thriller film for Amazon Prime? Starring Zoe Saldana in the titular role, this film takes place...
Do you know, Tetris is an upcoming biographical film based on a true story? The film follows Dutch video game designer Henk Rogers, who discovered Tetris...
Do you know, the upcoming season 10 of the blacklist is going to be the final season? The upcoming tenth season of The Blacklist marks a...
Do you know, Shadow and Bone season 2 is ready to debut on Netflix? Season 2 will follow Alina as she is determined to take down...
Do you know, which movies by Tom Cruise are considered all times best? Well, according to IMDB ratings, these films of Tom Cruise are considered the...
Do you know, a new official trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has been released? Yes, this 2nd trailer was released during the 57th...
Do you know, the filming for Five Nights at Freddy’s has started finally? Yes, the famous horror game is getting a live-action film and its principal...
Do you know, Steven Spielberg was approached to direct the first Harry Potter film? That's right, Steven Spielberg was offered the opportunity to direct the first...
Do you know, for the movie Fast X, the director Louis Leterrier had to rewrite the script on his way to the set? After Justin Lin...
Do you know, the famous horror film trilogy The Exorcist is being reproduced? Apparently, Blumhouse Productions, the leading studio in making horror films is teaming up...